Moments worth sharing ...

Sunday, April 18


Dear TPC members ,

Have you heard of Inkslingers Magazine ?
Well , I got a request from them and hence we have a favor to ask you guys.

Inkslingers, has ask us to provide them with 8 photos.
It is open for everyone , compact-nian or SLR-nian are free to join,. Of cause credit will be given to the photographers,

The theme is "spring/summer" ,
You may send submit more than 1 entries , however only one of your pictures will be selected.
You may do a minimal photo manipulation (colour, contrast , levels & curve ...etc..)
and the deadline : 25 April 2010.

Send your softcopy to
with you details (name, student ID , contact no , emails )

If your picture are chosen , I will notify you by mail or sms. So get ready to buy the new issue of Inkslingers and look out for your pictures.

The 8 photos I pick will be first come first serve basis. Please take note.

Boon signing off

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