Dear TPC members and non members,
Taylors is lauching I-PIONEER campaign,
I-PIONEER , is a 3 months campaign launched by Student Development Hub (SDH) aiming to encourage students to create new active clubs and also promoting existing club to create more events. This has come into our interests as every club is required to submit photos of their events to SDH.
That is the background story,
The main point here is that SDH is looking for photographers from TPC for these 3 months time to cover ALL of the events in regards of this I-PIONEER campaign. (again it is first come first serve basis)
Regarding about payment, Taylors does not have budget for photographer, however. I believe that you are aware that this is a great opportunity for practice and get a taste of event covering tasks.
However, I am sorry to tell you that we have to limit these opportunities to DSLR users,
This is due to DSLR is an pre-requisite to cover events, and also covering events do require a certain mastery of basic photography.
So whoever is interested in covering events, please do take initiative and contact Boon 017-554 7576 or our Event Management Team director, Rusydie 013-209 5475
OR you can email to if you have any questions or doubt.
Boon signing off.
For those who wanted to join TPC ,
Please do the following and you are members of TPC,
Submit your application form in following format
Student number:
Contacts number:
E-mail address:
Typer of camera owned/used: ( if you do not have any camera , please state it as well, handphone doesnt count )
Years of experience using a camera: (when you start attempting taking nice photos, state none if none)
Student number:
Contacts number:
E-mail address:
Typer of camera owned/used: ( if you do not have any camera , please state it as well, handphone doesnt count )
Years of experience using a camera: (when you start attempting taking nice photos, state none if none)
What you want from the club : (events , class , competition, outdoor trips, studio photography)
Do you want to be a committee member : (first come first serve, but TPC reserved the right to dismiss committee to provide fair chance to those who are passionate)
What is your free slot during weekdays/ weekend: (this is for the time for classes)
What is your free slot during weekdays/ weekend: (this is for the time for classes)
And Rm 5 for member fees .
And Rm 25 for Club t shirt , it is a MUST for those who wanted to cover events.
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