Moments worth sharing ...

Thursday, April 15

Facebook up and running

Dear Ladies and gentlemen,

Our facebook page is up ,

please do go HERE and add us ya.

It is open and available for everyone.

boon signing off

For those who wanted to join TPC , 
Please do the following and you are members of TPC, 
Submit your application form in following format

Student number:
Contacts number:
E-mail address:
Typer of camera owned/used:  ( if you do not have any camera , please state it as well, handphone doesnt count )
Years of experience using a camera: (when you start attempting taking nice photos, state none if none)
What you want from the club : (events , class , competition, outdoor trips, studio photography) 
Do you want to be a committee member :  (first come first serve, but TPC reserved the right to dismiss committee to provide fair chance to those who are passionate) 
What is your free slot during weekdays/ weekend: (this is for the time for classes)

And Rm 5 for member fees .
And Rm 25 for Club t shirt , it is a MUST for those who wanted to cover events.

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