Moments worth sharing ...

Thursday, April 1

Class 2 : Composition

Kind of last minute , but

Class 2 : Composition 

Time : 12 - 1 pm 
Venue : LT 2 , PJ CAMPUS.

Please bring your camera, regardless of compact or SLR ,

PS : This time we din manage to get LT2 thru paper work, so dont be surprised if you see any change of location last minute. 


For those who wanted to join TPC , 
Please do the following and you are members of TPC, 
Submit your application form in following format

Student number:
Contacts number:
E-mail address:
Typer of camera owned/used:  ( if you do not have any camera , please state it as well, handphone doesnt count )
Years of experience using a camera: (when you start attempting taking nice photos, state none if none)
What you want from the club : (events , class , competition, outdoor trips, studio photography) 
Do you want to be a committee member :  (first come first serve, but TPC reserved the right to dismiss committee to provide fair chance to those who are passionate) 
What is your free slot during weekdays/ weekend: (this is for the time for classes)

And Rm 5 for member fees .
And Rm 25 for Club t shirt , it is a MUST for those who wanted to cover events.

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