Moments worth sharing ...

Sunday, April 25

How to become a member?

Hi, Everyone.

I have realized that this blog does not have any post regarding on joining TPC, so here is the detailed description on how to participate in TPC activities :

Step 1 :  Paperwork , 
Please do the following and you are members of TPC, 
Submit your application form in following format

Student number:
Contacts number:
E-mail address:
Programme : ( if you are not Taylorian , please state where you from)
Typer of camera owned/used:  ( if you do not have any camera , please state it as well, handphone doesnt count )
Years of experience using a camera: (when you start attempting taking nice photos, state none if none)
What you want from the club : (covering events , class , competition, outdoor trips, studio photography, networking, just for fun ,) 
What is your free slot during weekdays/ weekend: (this is for the time for classes)

*NOTE : Please attend our EXCO meeting if you are interested in becoming part of our EXCO team. We have our meeting every Thursday from 12 noon to 1pm at Student Leader Room 1 
( Inside Student Life Center) 

Step 2 : FEES
You will need to prepare : 
1) Rm 5 for member fees ( it will be sem based subscription ) 
2)And Rm 25 for Club t shirt , it is a MUST for those who wanted to cover events.

You can pay the fees in any general meeting to Justin
or set an appoitment with him in his mail ,

As for trips, we will annouce the fees and we hope that you will take initiative to find him as well.

If you have submitted your application form but din't pay us yet. You are just a pending member of TPC,
you are not entitled to any TPC member privileges.

On personal note, I hope you can pay the members fees and support us financially. I am really passionate in making this club the best club ever existed on Taylors. However, the club are operating on tight budget and our EXCO's are really trying our best to perform in these conditions.

Step 3 : Like us in FB , Join us in Flickr pool , And Follow us in blog.

Here is  our facebook account . Please add us in order to get notifications from us.
We will post our event there and invite everyone in our FB friends list.
And whenever we update a post in blog, we also share it in FB.
PLEASE "share" TPC link whenever you see it.

Here is our Facebook Fan Page. If you want to share your pictures and learn how to improve it , feel free to post it here, or if you found out any secrets of photography that you wanted to share, please do it here as well. If you felt your pictures is perfect , you also can boast it here too.

Here is our Flickr Group Pool. Join this group means that TPC's Flickr admin can add your latest uploaded photo into our photo pool. Once he added your pictures, you can see your pictures being display in our blog picture slides. ( It is the slideshow you see up there if you are wondering what I am talking about)
If you wanted to raise up the chances of your pictures being displayed in blog, please add
boonboon2k2  or .keathoe. 

And lastly , If you are seeing this post, that means you are in our blog. You can "follow" us so you can get RSS feed from us whenever there is new post up in this blog.

The only way you can get the most from this club , is by being active and participate.

If you are here expecting to create good shots without doing any practice on your own, I am sorry to tell you we can't work magic here.

We can guide you to be a better photographer, however you need to walk the path on your own.

Boon signing off.

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