Moments worth sharing ...

Friday, August 20


Hey Everyone, 

For the first time , Taylors Photography Club (TPC) is collaborating with APIIC to held a seminar in Taylors, 

The speaker (Grant Corban, Matt Marzuki and Sree Sonic) is very experienced in their respective genre, some of them (Grant , Sonic ) are Malaysian leading wedding photographers, and some of them (Matt) are experts in portrait studio photography 

Grant Corban Website :
Matt Marzuki photostream :
Sree Sonic FB :

Asking for them to spend 2 hours of their time may cost more than RM 2, 000.
And now there is 3 of them.......

Fortunately for us, APIIC is considering a long term collaboration with TPC , hence they are willing to sponsor the speaker to held a seminar here.
Therefore the ENTRY FEE IS FREE for all Taylorians ( Non taylorian can come as well ).

The details of the seminar is as follows 

Venue : Lakeside Campus Lecture Theatre 2 , 
Time : 4: 15 to 6 pm 
Topic : Will be updated 
Date : August 24th

TPC President

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