Moments worth sharing ...

Friday, March 12

Thank You

Hello to every new and old, young and old , TPC members. This is a thank you post for everyone who appeared in the meeting today. I really really appreciate your presence. Again, sorry if I can't remember your name, but by now I should be able to recognize you if I see you on the street.

First of all, I would like to express my gratitude for showing up in this Friday meeting,
The numbers appeared more than I expected, It is a good start for TPC too.

And thanks again for those who come to Friday meeting even though they went to Wednesday session. I hope the pictures in the slides entertains you.

For the newcomers , thank you for coming too, I hope that I did talk to everyone of you and brief a little bit about club history and some tips on taking photos. If I din't , please forgive my lack of attention. I promise I will attempt to do some "ber-bonding" with you. ^^

And lastly , to all the girls, I would like to share some little flaw of mine. You may have the impression that I'm an  outgoing/extrovert  guy. However, there is an exception situation where I will lost all my ability to think/speak/act properly. That situation when I have 1 on 1 conversation with girls.
Yup, so if you were in 1 on 1 , face to face situation with me, please don't think that I don't want to talk to you or being uneasy , because I am too shy to actually talk to you.

And Picture of the day is by John Loke. 

You can send me a flickr image link to me if you want your picture to be displayed on TPC blog.
Note : The link should be the image location instead of the link of the picture. 

Example :For this image : 

The image location link should look like this :

instead of this :

Boon signing off for assignment. Good luck to everyone who are working on theirs assignment too.

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